Meet Our Newest Dermatologist: Dr. Kathryn Luckett

At Skin Wellness, we pride ourselves on hiring the best of the best when it comes to our staff. From the moment you walk through the door you’re greeted by a welcoming face and knowledgeable professionals ready to answer any questions you may have. From aestheticians and nurse practitioners to board certified dermatologists, Skin Wellness employs individuals with a passion for helping others.
We’re always looking to expand our team and have recently hired our newest dermatologist—Dr. Kathryn O. Luckett. Let’s introduce her and provide you the opportunity to get to know her on a more personal level.
Meet Dr. Kathryn O. Luckett
Dr. Luckett had a, as she puts it, charmed childhood, in Louisiana with her siblings. She grew up in a neighborhood full of children who quickly became elementary and middle school friends. During her primary years, Dr. Luckett stayed as active as she possibly could—playing every sport she could fit into her schedule.
“I would play in a basketball game and then change into my cheerleading uniform in the bathroom for the next game.”
Sports weren’t the only thing Dr. Luckett enjoyed—being social and meeting new people came easily for her. Whether it was encouraging teammates on the field or being kind to the person sitting next to her in class, Luckett was an outgoing individual from the start. To solidify her bubbly and bright personality, her eighth grade classmates voted her class clown.
As a Louisiana native, Dr. Luckett attended LSU for her undergraduate education and graduated Summa Cum Laude with a bachelor of science in Nutrition and Dietetics and Biological Sciences. After graduation, she attended LSU Health Sciences in New Orleans where she was quickly inducted into the prestigious Alpha Omega Alpha honor society.
Kathryn moved on to Alabama for her residency in dermatology at UAB where she received excellent training from experts in the field. It is here that she quickly realized her passion for all aspects of medicine—surgery, internal medicine, and pediatrics.
“I worked with a dermatology group in college and knew that skin care and aesthetics were an interest of mine, but my college degree was in nutrition and dietetics, so I also was interested in preventative health,” says Dr. Luckett.
“Practicing dermatology allows me to incorporate all aspects of medicine on a daily basis while also tapping into my love for aesthetics and anti-aging.”
When She’s Not in the Office…
Now residing in Birmingham, Alabama with her husband and two children, Dr. Luckett can be found spending as much time as possible with her family and friends. She enjoys cooking, trying new restaurants, and working out with her husband in their newly renovated basement gym. Additionally, Dr. Luckett considers traveling to be one of her favorite pastimes.
“I love experiencing different cultures and am very adventurous with trying different foods—I’ll try anything once,” says Dr. Luckett.
Dr. Luckett has taken advantage of every opportunity she can to explore new places. After her college graduation she packed up a single backpack and traveled through six different countries in Europe. She met a multitude of people as she slept in hostels and explored each city for what it had to offer. Currently she’s planning a big trip to Ireland in October, where she quickly admitted it will not be a backpacking vacation like before.
Whether she’s spending time with her children and husband, cooking a new meal discovered in a cookbook, or participating in any activity involving the great outdoors, Dr. Luckett is always enjoying herself and the life she’s created.
Welcome to Skin Wellness
When asked how she feels about being a part of the Skin Wellness team, Dr. Luckett couldn’t say enough.
“The staff are so welcoming and great to work with—not to mention patient since I’m still learning the ropes logistically. I am so grateful to Dr. Hartman for providing me with my dream job.”
Well, Kathryn, the Skin Wellness team is honored to have someone like you as part of the team. We’re excited to watch you grow into an even more experienced dermatologist and expand your knowledge along the way.
The next time you visit Skin Wellness, be sure to say hello and give Dr. Luckett a big welcome!
Skin Wellness is Here For You
Skin Wellness is proud to offer the best of the best when it comes to our professional staff members and our exceptional services. When you visit us, we want you to feel at home and well taken care of. Thankfully, our staff does just that and more. If you’re looking to rejuvenate your skin, and feel and look younger, then call us today at 205-871-7332.