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Fad or for real? How to know if that hot new skin care product is worth the money

Fad or Forreal Skincare

By: Dr. Corey Hartman, Skin Wellness Dermatology Billions of dollars are spent every year by companies marketing their latest and greatest skin care products. Just about every week, we hear of a new “groundbreaking” product that’s pretty much “guaranteed” to get rid of wrinkles, cure our blemishes, and make our skin look younger and healthier.  We see these new promising skincare products, and we take note that some of our favorite influencers are even claiming these products are the real deal. (And don’t get me started on celebrities creating their own skincare lines touting the benefits of olive oil. Yes, I’m looking at you JLo.) There are some people out there who just can’t help themselves. They must have these new products ASAP. But if …

Spend a little or a lot. Here are your options when it comes to getting rid of forehead wrinkles

Forehead Wrinkles

By: Dr. Corey Hartman, Skin Wellness Dermatology Forehead wrinkles. Unless we intervene, we all get them eventually, and typically we start to notice them in our 20s or 30s. They’re one of the first concerns for many of my younger patients and a bothersome area for many of my older ones. But just like any other troublesome areas, we have lots of options to get rid of them. No matter your budget, here are your best options to get rid of forehead wrinkles Want to get rid of forehead wrinkles but working with a low budget? No problem. If you’re starting to notice forehead wrinkles, you’ll be happy to know that you can accomplish a lot with a fairly small budget, and a good, low-cost …

The 5 golden rules of achieving healthy, glowing skin

healthy glowing skin

By: Dr. Corey Hartman, Skin Wellness Dermatology “How can I get healthy and glowing skin?”  Everyone wants to know the answer to this question, and what their dermatologist can do to help. Depending on your needs, I can recommend a variety of products and treatments to help you reach your goals, but the fact is, there’s simply more to healthy skin than applying the right products. If you truly want healthy, glowing skin, you need to be asking what you can do for yourself. And the answer is really simple – develop healthy habits – habits that aren’t just about taking care of your skin, but about taking care of the body as a whole. Here are my 5 golden rules to get healthy and …

5 delightful ingredients made to combat dry winter skin

By: Dr. Corey Hartman, Skin Wellness Dermatology During the winter, dry skin is probably the most common and maybe even one of the most bothersome skin conditions. During the wintertime, the drier air can suck the moisture out of our skin. And even things that we may not give a second thought like long, hot showers or our favorite soaps can make things worse.  This is why many people experience not only dry, but itchy skin, and even cracks in the skin that can be quite painful.  Sometimes dry skin may need some special attention, especially if you’re suffering from an eczema-based skin condition, and this may just mean that you need something more like a topical steroid. But other times, simple over-the-counter ingredients can …

Is Botox® safe to put in your body? 3 Facts that say yes

By: Dr. Corey Hartman, Skin Wellness Dermatology Though I feel most people have gotten to the point where they know Botox® isn’t going to injure or harm them, patients do still ask about the long-term risks of doing Botox on a regular basis. Is it going to be safe for me to start this? Am I going to be able to continue doing it? Are there any long-term risks of putting this into my body on a regular basis?  These are the types of questions I typically get from patients looking to start Botox and keep up with it. I understand their hesitation, and it’s definitely something to think about before you start regularly injecting a foreign substance into your body. But we do know …

How to Remove Cystic Acne: Here’s the Truth and How You Can Finally Get Rid of It

By: Dr. Corey Hartman, Skin Wellness Dermatology Cystic acne is definitely the most severe form of subcutaneous acne that contributes to significant scarring. So when people talk about acne scars with the textural changes, like ice pick scars or rolling scars, this is the type of acne they typically have. Acne cysts pose additional risks, as popping them can lead to scarring and infections. Unfortunately, treating these types of acne scars can be hard. Improving their appearance can only be done using invasive, expensive, and often uncomfortable procedures like laser resurfacing. Early treatment is crucial to prevent acne scarring, as severe cystic acne is highly inflammatory and likely to cause significant skin damage and scars. If you’re suffering from cystic acne, this is why I …

Dr. Corey Hartman’s journey of opening Skin Wellness and an update on our new location!

By: Dr. Corey Hartman, Skin Wellness Dermatology I tell the story all the time of how I came to open my own practice. Patients seem to be curious of how I got to where I am and what motivated me to become a dermatologist. That’s why I’m going to share my story with you today.  It seems over the years, there’s really never been a dull moment. It’s been a journey full of growth, both within my own professional career and in my practice, and I’ve genuinely loved every minute of it.  Truth be told, ever since I was about thirteen years old, I dreamed of becoming a physician.  What made me aspire to be a physician was the fact that Louisiana’s best dermatologist lived …

How to get rid of chest wrinkles – depending on your budget

By: Dr. Corey Hartman, Skin Wellness Dermatology While the main focus of the majority of my patients is their face, eventually, they’re going to start noticing wrinkles on the chest. As we get older, the skin on our chest is going to show our age just like another part of the body, if not more so.  Then once they start to notice their chest, the main reason it bothers patients is the color and the fact that it starts to get kind of saggy. This is why getting rid of chest wrinkles really involves improving both the texture as well as the color that starts to change along with it.  Here are the best ways to get rid of chest wrinkles depending on how much …

Are you being influenced? Here’s why you should NOT use the same skincare routine as your favorite influencer.

By: Dr. Corey Hartman, Skin Wellness Dermatology We all have our favorite influencers on Instagram. Whether they seem to live a lavishly fun lifestyle or be “in the know” on certain products or brands, we like to keep up with them and what they’re into. You like their fashion sense – so you shop the same brands. You like their hair styles – so maybe you try them out on your own hair. One thing you should not do? Automatically use the same skincare products. Listen, just because it works for one person doesn’t mean it’s going to work for you. Ever been let down after a visit to Ulta, Sephora, or CVS for that matter? It’s kind of the same thing here – all …

Natural looking lip enhancement: A closer look at Restylane Kysse

By: Dr. Corey Hartman, Skin Wellness Dermatology It’s so funny to me. Volumizing and filling the lips has been the “new thing” even with the masks ordinances. But maybe because of the masks, it’s a good time to get it done? I don’t know.  Either way, I’m excited to say that we now have a new product available called Restylane Kysse that does a really great job at enhancing the contour and defining the border of the lips. Sure, we’ve had lip fillers available such as Vollure from Allergan, but now we have something from Galderma (the makers of Restylane) that can also get a good result.  There are a few others out there, but trust me, not all lip fillers are created equal.   There …