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Fad or for real? How to know if that hot new skin care product is worth the money

Fad or Forreal Skincare

By: Dr. Corey Hartman, Skin Wellness Dermatology Billions of dollars are spent every year by companies marketing their latest and greatest skin care products. Just about every week, we hear of a new “groundbreaking” product that’s pretty much “guaranteed” to get rid of wrinkles, cure our blemishes, and make our skin look younger and healthier.  We see these new promising skincare products, and we take note that some of our favorite influencers are even claiming these products are the real deal. (And don’t get me started on celebrities creating their own skincare lines touting the benefits of olive oil. Yes, I’m looking at you JLo.) There are some people out there who just can’t help themselves. They must have these new products ASAP. But if …

Is Botox® safe to put in your body? 3 Facts that say yes

By: Dr. Corey Hartman, Skin Wellness Dermatology Though I feel most people have gotten to the point where they know Botox® isn’t going to injure or harm them, patients do still ask about the long-term risks of doing Botox on a regular basis. Is it going to be safe for me to start this? Am I going to be able to continue doing it? Are there any long-term risks of putting this into my body on a regular basis?  These are the types of questions I typically get from patients looking to start Botox and keep up with it. I understand their hesitation, and it’s definitely something to think about before you start regularly injecting a foreign substance into your body. But we do know …

Want to be a five-star patient? Here’s what to do before, during and after your appointment

By: Dr. Corey Hartman, Skin Wellness Dermatology From the title, you may think this post is going to talk about what you need to do to be a five-star patient. And it is. But on a deeper level, it’s really about helping me be your five-star dermatologist.  In many cases though, in order to help you, I need you to help me. When we both do our part, your appointment is going to be efficient and effective, and ultimately, this means we can get you to the results you’re looking for in the shortest time frame possible. How to be a five-star patient before, during and after your appointment I value all of my patients. I want each and every one of them to get …

Cheap Botox® and fillers: Four signs you should go elsewhere for your injectables

By: Dr. Corey Hartman, Skin Wellness Dermatology These days, you can get your Botox® and fillers just about anywhere. The salon, the dentist, the spa. Just about everyone is offering injectables, and some even claim to have the ability to offer you a “discount” price.  Of course, cheap prices on injectables can be tempting, but just remember, when you pay for Botox or fillers, you’re not only paying for the actual product, but the experience of the injector. If the price is too low, then it’s possible neither may be any good.  Cheap injectables and why you should think twice Those tempted by the deals on Groupon and other places don’t often understand the risks they’re taking. But the reality is, some of these places …

Ditch the jeans! Discover sclerotherapy for spider vein treatment

By: Dr. Corey Hartman, Skin Wellness Dermatology Many patients look down one day and realize their legs are starting to look a lot like their mother’s. They start to notice the veins on their legs becoming more visible, and for some, this can be extremely bothersome. While in many cases, the exact cause of spider veins is unknown, what we do know is that heredity, and even trauma, obesity, and hormone levels can play a role. Especially if you’re pregnant or over the age of 30, it’s likely that you’re starting to notice these veins more and more.  Fortunately, even though we can’t change your genes, we do have some pretty great treatment options to help you get those spider veins under control. Sclerotherapy: The …

Does Laser Stretch Mark Removal Work? Finally Get Rid of Stretch Marks

By: Dr. Corey Hartman, Skin Wellness Dermatology If you find yourself being bothered and even frustrated by the stretch marks on your arms, hips, abdomen, or thighs, you’ve probably looked into the best ways to get rid of them. Maybe you’ve even succumbed to the latest fad of at-home micro-needling in desperation to make them go away. Whatever you’ve tried, the fact is, stretch marks can be stubborn and nearly impossible to get rid of with those DIY methods. But if you’re ready to finally know what really works and what doesn’t, I’m ready to let you in on the truth about getting rid of stretch marks once and for all. A closer look at the science behind stretch marks A stretch mark isn’t the …

Kybella: The Solution for Double Chin

Kybella, Double Chin Treatment

By Dr. Corey Hartman Contrary to what many believe, you don’t have to be overweight to get a double chin. More often than not, genetics are to blame. We all have this potential pouch under our chin that starts to accumulate over time based on our genetics, so it’s really a weight-independent pocket of fat that’s predetermined before we’re born. And though it may not be your fault, that doesn’t change the fact that you don’t find it to be the most flattering characteristic when you look in the mirror. Luckily, there are many ways to get rid of a double chin, with one very effective method being an injectable treatment called Kybella. But before you schedule your appointment, let me fill you on a …

Saggy jowls are a bummer: learn how to get rid of them for good

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While there has long been a lack in confidence in the treatments used to tighten saggy jowls, we’re proud to be one of the only providers in the state of Alabama to offer a new innovative, nonsurgical procedure called Profound. In the past, there have been a number of treatments that could lift the lower face and neck area; yet none of them promised the dramatic results for which patients were longing. Profound is the real deal, and because so many people hate this area that starts to sag as they get older, it really is very exciting to finally be able to provide a solution that doesn’t involve surgery. Profound: Lifting, Volumizing and Tightening the Jowl Area The Profound treatment uses radiofrequency to tighten, …