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KYBELLA™ Solutions in Greystone

If you have a double chin and have been waiting patiently for a solution? Now there is a treatment! FDA-approved KYBELLA™ injections contour and improve the appearance of moderate to severe submental fullness due to submental fat that is causing a double chin.

What Is Submental Fullness & Submental Fat?

Submental fullness, also known as “double chin,” can affect adult women and men of all ages and weights, and is influenced by multiple factors, including aging and genetics. Submental fullness is often resistant to diet and exercise, and according to a 2014 survey conducted by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, 68 percent of people said they are bothered by their double chin.

What Causes A Double Chin?

While weight gain and dietary fat are common factors in getting extra fat in many places on the body, including under the lower jaw, there are other common causes:

  • Genetics - When you see someone with extra, or severe fat under their chin but they appear otherwise healthy, chances are family history is a contributing factor.
  • Age - As you get older, your skin’s collagen and elastin get thinner and weaker. These proteins in your skin are responsible for keeping your skin full, firm, and elastic. Your body produces less of these proteins over time, causing your skin to sag, including the skin under your jaw.
  • Posture - Your posture can weaken neck and chin muscles over time. Eventually, the skin in that area loses elasticity if the muscles aren’t used frequently.

What Is KYBELLA™ And How Does It Work?

Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that involves injections of a fat-dissolving compound. Deoxycholic acid (more commonly known as KYBELLA™) helps your body absorb excess fat and generally requires 20 or so injections per treatment. Essentially, these aesthetic treatments are destroying fat cells at and around the injection sites to reduce the appearance of a double chin.

KYBELLA™ is a formulation of a naturally occurring substance (deoxycholic acid) that targets and destroys fat cells in the area where it’s injected, in the fat under the chin. Once those cells are destroyed, they can no longer store or accumulate fat. Once the aesthetic response is achieved with the KYBELLA™ injection, and you've reached the desired look, retreatment isn’t necessary.

What Can I Expect After My KYBELLA™ Treatment Sessions?

The most common side effects are typically local to the treatment area and most commonly include:

  • swelling
  • bruising
  • pain
  • numbness
  • tingling
  • hardness
  • redness

KYBELLA™ treatments can cause serious side effects, including trouble swallowing and nerve injury in the jaw that can cause an uneven smile or facial muscle weakness. Be sure to consult your healthcare provider before starting your treatment plan.

Eliminate Excess Chin Fat Cells with the KYBELLA™ Injection

New Procedure: KYBELLA™

Skin Wellness Center of Alabama has extremely experienced and highly trained staff in the Homewood, AL area to help you fix your double chin. Get started today! Give us a call or go to our contact us page to schedule an appointment.