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Kybella in Hoover Alabama

A double chin is no fun. It’s there no matter how much you try and get rid of it. In fact, a study that was recently conducted discovered that the submental fat was resistant to exercise. That means that no matter how many weights you lift, the double chin will still find a way to stick around. If you are one of the 70% of people that struggle with a double chin then Kybella is just what the doctor ordered for you in Hoover, Alabama.

How Does KYBELLA Work

Kybella is an extremely effective treatment that targets submental fat underneath the chin. This chemical melts away the fat and keeps it gone. Because of the effectiveness of the procedure, no re-treatment is necessary.

What Are The Side Effects of Kybella

The common side effects include:

  • swelling
  • Bruising
  • pain
  • Hardness

Some less likely side effects include nerve damage and patients having problems swallowing.

Skin Wellness Dermatology of Alabama has extremely experienced and highly trained staff in the Hoover AL area to help you fix your double chin. Get started today! Give us a call or go to our contact us page to schedule an appointment.